Welcome to Inashrestha's Blog; Different way to blog :D

Welcome to Inashrestha's Blog; Different way to blog :D

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Some Jokes!


A man runs into his house and says to his wife, "Honey, I just won the lottery! Pack your bags!"

His wife replies, "Pack my bags? For the beach or for the mountains?"

The husband says, "I don't care! Pack your bags and get the hell Outta my house!"


conversation between a bartender and a man:

Bartender: What happened? You look wrecked!

Man: I had it all - Money, A beautiful house, The love of a beautiful woman…..

Bartender: Then… what went wrong?

Man: Well, then my wife found out!


A woman tells her doctor, 'I've got a bad back.'

The Doctor says, "It's because of old age."

The woman says,'Doctor, I want a second opinion.'

The doctor says,"Sure,- you are ugly too."


Robert had twins and comes to the "Boss"…..

Robert: Boss, what do you suggest the name of my twins..

Boss: Let's see, first name Peter….

Robert: and second one?, asked with delightly

Boss: Repeater.


Teacher to Student: "Where were U born?"

Student: In Tiruvanantapuram.

Teacher: Spell it?

Student: (after thinking) I think I was born in GOA

Saturday, October 25, 2008

घर को सम्झना !

फोटो सौजन्य "Reena"

यी गह्रा, कान्ला, झुपडी, नदी नाला, पहाडले
घरको सम्झना ताजा बनाइ दियो ।
हिजो सम्मन त्यहीं खेले जस्तो लाग्ने
आज त्यसै त्यसै बिरानो भइसक्यो ।

न त छुन सक्छु त्यो मेरो धरती लाई
त्यो त अब पराइ भईसक्यो ।
न त पोख्न सक्छु यो वेदनालाई
त्यो त अब स्‍मृतिमै बिलाईसक्यो ।

सानो छँदा खेलेको यो माटोले
जिस्काइ रहे जस्तो लागि सक्यो ।
बुढेसकालको सहारा खोज्दै छु म
अब पुर्खाको घर पनि भत्काइ सक्यो ।

- "बागी"

Thursday, October 9, 2008

विजया दशमी २०६५

सम्पूर्ण पाठकहरुलाई यो विजया दशमीको हार्दिक मङ्गलमय शुभकामना !

यसपालिको दसैंमा लबक,टेक्ससमा बस्ने नेपालीहरुको जमघटको सानो भिडियो यहाँ राखेकोछु । पहिलो पटक क्यामरा चलाएकोले भिजुअलाईज मैले सोचे जस्तो राम्रो हुन सकेन । तर पनि यो गीत मलाई साह्रै मन परेकोले यसमा टाँसेको छु ।